Proof of Life
Pension funds, retirement accounts, or banks located in countries outside the United States may require periodic verification that the beneficiary is alive in order to continue disbursement of benefits. Forms are usually provided by the entity requesting this verification. The Clerk’s Office does not have Proof of Life forms.
The form must be in English or a certified English translation provided. The customer shall provide back-up documentation for any statement or information on the form that the County Clerk will be verifying. For example, a driver license, utility bill, or other document with the home address should be provided to verify residence address. If the form requires information on the beneficiary’s spouse, back-up documentation must also be provided for the spouse’s information.
No appointment is necessary for Proof of Life verification. To have a form verified, visit our office at the Clark County Government Center.
For additional questions, please contact (702) 671-0600.